Add a Character Counter to the WordPress Excerpt Box

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Adding a Character Counter to Excerpts

When I first started using WordPress and writing blogs, I was forever having to edit custom excerpts on posts because they were always too long for the space.

In searching for a solution, I came across this fantastic snippet at Github. Simply add the following code to your functions.php files, or create your own plugin for it if you prefer.

 * Add a character counter to post excerpts in WordPress admin.
 * Action: admin_head-post.php, admin_head-post-new.php
function kr_excerpt_character_counter() {
        // If post type does not support excerpt, do nothing
	if ( ! post_type_supports( get_post_type(), 'excerpt' ) ) {

	// Character limit
	$limit = 150;

	// If set to true, the textarea will prevent input beyond limit, else it'll give a notice if limit is exceeded
	$hard_limit = true;

	// Excerpt box character count markup
	$markup = sprintf(
		'<div class="hide-if-no-js" style="border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; border-top: none; background-color: #f7f7f7; padding: 2px 10px;">%s <span id="postexcerpt_char_count"></span> / %d</div>',
		_x( 'Character count', 'excerpt characters', 'kr' ),
		( function( $ ) {
			$( document ).ready( function() {
				var limit = <?php echo $limit; ?>,
					hard_limit = <?php echo $hard_limit ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>,
					markup = '<?php echo $markup; ?>',
					// Reference to the excerpt textarea
					$excerpt = $( '#excerpt' ),
					// Reference to the character count element after adding it to the DOM
					$excerpt_char_count = $( '#excerpt' ).after( markup ).next().find( '#postexcerpt_char_count' );

				// If using a hard limit, set the maxlength attribute on the excerpt textarea
				if ( hard_limit ) {
					$excerpt.attr( 'maxlength', limit );

				function update_count() {
					// Current count of excerpt
					var count = $excerpt.val().length;
					// Update DOM to reflect count
					$excerpt_char_count.text( count );

					// If not using a hard limit and count goes over limit, apply error-message class
					if ( ! hard_limit && count > limit && ! $excerpt_char_count.hasClass( 'error-message' ) ) {
						$excerpt_char_count.addClass( 'error-message' );
					} else if ( ! hard_limit && count <= limit && $excerpt_char_count.hasClass( 'error-message' ) ) {
						$excerpt_char_count.removeClass( 'error-message' );
				// Update count on keyup which should catch most methods in which data is entered
				$excerpt.on( 'keyup', update_count );
				// If pasting not using a keyboard, do it this way
				$excerpt.on( 'paste', function() {
					setTimeout( update_count, 0 );
				} );

				// Go!
			} );
		} )( jQuery );
<?php }
add_action( 'admin_head-post.php', 'kr_excerpt_character_counter' );
add_action( 'admin_head-post-new.php', 'kr_excerpt_character_counter' );


And here’s what it looks like in the backend of WordPress when you’re editing posts:

You can change the maximum number of characters in any excerpt by changing the “$limit = 150;” in the code.

Why Would You Need a Character Counter?

Many themes have a specific requirement for how long excerpts should be. If you want your excerpts to display nicely without being cut off mid-sentence, having a character counter allows you to ensure your excerpt length is under a certain number of characters.

Do you use custom excerpts on your site? What other kinds of scripts or WordPress hacks would you like to see on my blog? Let me now in the comments below.